Articles and Reviews
Hyperallergic, 9/10/2024
10 Shows to See in New York Right Now
Brooklyn Rail (video), 9/10/2024
Panel Discussion
Godzilla: Echoes from the 1990s Asian American Arts Network exhibition at Eric Firestone Gallery
with Jennifer Samet (curator), Eugenie Tsai (moderator), Emily Cheng, Mel Chin,, and Charles Yuen
Hyperallergic, 9/2024
The Maverick Legacy of Godzilla Asian American Artists Network
An exhibition at Eric Firestone Gallery spanning the late 1980s to present day delves into their multidisciplinary output.
Eric Firestone Gallery (panel discussion), 1/17/2024
Godzilla: Politics, Aesthetics, Community
Moderated by Ryan Lee, with Emily Cheng, Helen Oji, & Charles Yuen
Boston Art Review, 5/27/2023
In “Rhyming the Invisible,” Charles Yuen Scripts a Planet into Existence through his First Solo Exhibition in Boston
Alive & Well
Robert Murdock 1997
Charles Yuen's Introspective Infinities, Romance of the Trance
Rachel Youens
Art in America
Charles Yuen at Leo.Tony
Janet Koplos